Saturday, October 20, 2012

Marketing 101 For the Mom Entrepreneur | CHANDRA COLLINS's ...

Advertising:: The action of calling something to the attention of the public, especially by paid announcements.

Advertorial:: An advertisement styled to resemble the editorial format and typeface of the content in which it runs.

Banner:: A graphic that appears on a web page that is usually hyperlinked to an advertiser?s web site. A popular size is 480?60 pixels.

Blog:: A type of website, usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video. Entries are commonly displayed in reverse-chronological order.

Button:: A type of advertising unit that is smaller than a banner and usually placed in columns on the left or right side of a page. A popular size is 125?125 pixels.

Click Through:: The action of clicking on a banner and having ones browser automatically redirected to the web page a banner is hyperlinked to.

Click Through Rate:: The percentage of impressions that resulted in a click through. Calculated by dividing the number of clicks by the number of impressions.

CPA:: Cost per action (CPA) is one of the online payment models by which advertisers pays for ever action (sale or registration) completed as a result of a visitor clicking on their advertisement. Prices typically range from $1 to $25 or if a percentage of a sale 5% to 25%.

CPC:: Cost per click (CPC) is one of the online payment models by which advertisers pays for each click through made on their advertisement. Prices typically range from 1? to over 50? per click through.

CPD:: Cost per day (CPD) is a payment model by which advertisers pay for their ads to be shown on a daily basis.

CPM:: Cost per thousand (CPM) is one of the online payment models by which advertisers pays for every 1000 impressions of their advertisement. Prices typically range from $1 to over $50 per thousand impressions.

Campaign:: The process of planning, creating, buying and tracking an advertising project from start to finish.

Demographics:: Information regarding the size and characteristics of a particular population of people of interest to advertisers Such as their age, sex, income, education, size of household, ownership of home, etc.

Exclusivity:: If an advertiser requests their banner not be shown in rotation on the desired pages, they are requesting exclusivity. Publishers tend to charge more for this since it limits the number of advertisers they can accept for those pages to one.

E-zine:: Magazines that are published online instead of in print. Often cover very specific subjects and thus have very targeted readers.

GIF:: The graphical interchange format (GIF) is a graphical file extension. Most banner advertisements are created in the GIF format. More popular than the JPEG format. GIF89a or animated GIFs are sequences of standard GIF images combined to create animated banners.

HTML:: Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) is a computer programming language that helps control the format of a documents content and design on the world wide web. An HTML editor is a software program that enables one to easily create HTML pages.

Impressions:: The number of times a banner ad was requested and presumably seen by users.

JPEG:: Joint Photographic Experts, a?graphics format which displays photographs and graphic images with millions of colors. Great for photos, but graphics in the GIF format are still the preferred standard for web sites.

Keyword:: A word or phrase entered into a search engine in an effort to get the search engine to return matching and relevant results. Many web sites offer advertising based on keyword targeting so an advertisers banner will only show when a specific keyword(s) are entered.

Landing Page:: The page on a web site where one is taken after clicking on an advertisement.

Marketing:: The process or technique of promoting, selling, and distributing a product or service.

Media Kit:: Information offered to potential advertisers by publishers to help advertisers understand the publisher?s rates, visitor demographics, terms, etc.

Niche:: That part of the market consisting of those people most likely to be interested in a product or service you are selling. Often referred to as one?s target market.

Opt In:: A process where by a user voluntarily agrees to start receiving email, usually commercial, about a topic of interest.

Page View:: Occurs when a user?s browser requests a web page.

PCI Rate:: Cost per column inch for print display advertising, usually referencing newsprint.

Pitch:: When an advertising agency attempts to win the representation of their client usually by making a presentation as to how they could best advertise their clients product or service. Or, when a business owner?makes a small presentation to a media outlet about why they should feature their product/business.

Pixel:: Short for picture element (Pixel), a pixel is a measurement representing a single point in a graphic. Most ad units are measured in pixels such as the common 468 pixel x 60 pixel sized banner.

Podcasting:: A podcast is a series of digital media files, usually digital audio or video, which is made available for download via web syndication.

Pop Up:: A type of advertisement that is automatically displayed in a second smaller browser window upon loading or unloading a normal web page. Pop ups advertisements tend to cost advertisers more since their visibility is higher but are often considered annoying by web site visitors since they are considered obtrusive.

Product Placement:: The prominent display of commercial products in films, TV shows and video games.

Publisher:: This is the web site operator.

Publicity:: The dissemination of information or promotional material.

Public Relations:: The business of inducing the public to have understanding for and goodwill toward a person, firm, or institution.

Rate Card:: The published rates and ad space availability for a particular media such as a web site. Usually subject to change and often negotiable. May also include technical details regarding the banner specifications.

Reach:: The number of unique visitors that visited a site over the course of the reporting period, expressed as a percent of the universe for the demographic category.

Remnant:: Advertising space that remains unsold right before it is about to be used and thus often sold at a discount at the last minute.

ROI:: Return on investment (ROI) is the process used to determine whether the monetary benefits from an expenditure, such as an advertising campaign, are above or below the amount of money spent on the campaign.

Rotation:: A banner that is in rotation on a page or group of pages, will not be the only banner shown when any of the pages are reloaded.

SEO:: Search engine optimization (SEO) is the practice of promoting a web site through a search engine?s organic listings.

Skyscraper:: A type of ad unit that is much taller than it is wide. Often used in columns of web pages where there is a lot of unused vertical space but limited horizontal space.

Spam:: The sending of unsolicited emails or newsgroup posts in bulk often containing commercial advertising messages. Considered bad netiquette, bad business and illegal in some US states.

Sponsorships:: A form of advertising in which an advertiser pays to sponsor a section of a web site.

Start Date:: The date on which an advertising campaign starts.

Statistics:: The records that an ad serving software keeps each time it serves an ad and the ad is clicked on. The statistics recorded may be as simple as total impressions and click-throughs or more detailed info such as browser types, geographical location, operating system & more.

Text Links:: Text that is hyperlinked to another web page. Can be found on web sites or in newsletters and email. Often identified by appearing in blue with a line under it. When clicked on, the visitor will be taken to the page the text was hyperlinked to.

Traffic:: General term used to describe a quantity of requests for web pages or other downloadable content by web site visitors.

Unique Visitors:: A term used to describe the total number of visitors to a site over a certain time period.

Visit:: A series of page requests by a visitor without 30 consecutive minutes of inactivity.

*Source ?

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Bless and be blessed,


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